Pan genome-Tomato

Pan-genome analysis of Tomato includes:
(a) Variation in the number of gene clusters between the pan-genome and the core genome.
(b) Specific clusters.
(c) Core clusters, soft-core clusters, and dispensable clusters.

38333030292928242120201816161414131311111110998776 886 010201000 TS117 TS112 SL5 Fla8924 EA00990 Brandywine SL4 329306282226223215183179 176170167167166165165163161 160 156155154153152151149147147145 3040 0100200300 Pan-Genome SizeCore Genome SizeGenome NumberGene Cluster Number30691215182120000400006000080000100000abcTS331TS3TS212TS204TS185TS171TS166TS60TS698TS697TS692TS685TS667TS629TS9TS80100200300400 SL5 Brandywine TS60 TS698 TS212 TS629 TS692 TS685 TS171 TS204 TS697 TS112 TS667 TS9 TS3 TS185 TS331 TS80 TS166 TS117 EA00990 SL4 Fla8924 40050060017 11 1 1 12 1 15 120121127127129132133137138145166170172179184190191195 SpecificCoreSoft-coreDispensable